
Trip Designer Steve Wilson had his heart set on an utterly orthodox career in the financial industry. But after picking up a travel book or two, he unleashed a thirst for wanderlust he’s still trying to quench. (Funny how picking up a finance book rarely has the opposite effect.)

Though he’s since trekked through Latin America and much of Asia, and lived in Mexico, France, Belize, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Canada, he’s resigned himself to thirsting indefinitely. Now based in London, where he designs trips for B&R, he loves nothing more than good food and good wine to round off an adventurous day spent exploring.

Vital Stats:

Trip Designer Steve Wilson
Trip Designer Steve Wilson

Years in Travel Business: 12
Years with B&R: 2
Countries/Regions of Expertise: Latin America, South East Asia, India, China
Countries visited: Too many to name…
Countries lived in: England, Wales, Belize, Mexico, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada
Trips planned (estimate): 1,000
Trips guided (if applicable): 2 (non-B&R)

Q&A with Steve Wilson

Everyone at B&R has their fair share of wanderlust. When/how did you first get bit by the travel bug?
For me, it all started while watching Michael Palin’s Around the World in 80 days at the age of 12.

What’s your preferred method for immersing yourself in a country or region?
Knowing the language certainly helps, and eating the street food with the locals.

OK, Mr. “I’ve visited too many countries to name.” Is there anywhere you haven’t visited, but would like to?
The Transiberian railway to Mongolia – it encompasses slow travel, off-the-beaten-path, little-visited and stunning mountain and desert scenery.

Favourite trip you’ve ever taken? (I know, I know, but try to narrow it down to one!)
Easy: my honeymoon to Ladakh, Kashmir, Tamil Nadu and the Andaman Islands.

Favourite hotel in the world?
I don’t think I can narrow it down to one, so I’ll say both Soneva Kiri in Thailand and Clayoquot in Tofino, British Columbia.

Favourite restaurant in the world?
Another tough one, and changing frequently. Currently it’s Varq in New Delhi, India.

Favourite bar/wine bar/watering hole in the world? 
This one’s easy. The Faltering Fullback – my local!

What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? (And where was it?)
At Clayoquot’s dining cabin with the freshest West Coast Dungeness crab I’ve ever tasted.

Favourite bottle of wine?
Anything by Lapostolle in Chile.

What’s your most embarrassing travel story?  
I once travelled eight hours in the wrong direction—by bus! I then proceeded to get very lost in Honduras.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen or done while on a trip?
Canoed Belize from the western border with Guatemala to the coast in Belize City. It was four days, 180 km of ridiculous heat and humidity and zero previous experience. We capsized three times!

You’ve planned a ton of trips. Are there any that leap out as being particularly memorable (for either you or your travellers)?
I planned a landscape photographer’s expedition to the cardinal points of South America – three trips, 150 days, remote camps, helicopters and a private yacht to Antartica. It was a challenge!